Performance Management and Teacher Effectiveness in Primary Schools in Bulaago Coordinating Centre, Bulambuli District, Uganda


  • Wilson Mugizi Kyambogo University
  • Richard Otaka Kyambogo University
  • Joseph Rwothumio Kyambogo University



appraisal, career development, effectiveness, goal setting, management, performance, teaching



This study examined the relationship between performance management and teacher effectiveness in primary schools in Bulaago Coordinating Centre, Bulambuli District, Uganda. Informed by the Goal Setting Theory, performance management measured in terms of goal setting, performance appraisal and career development was related to teacher effectiveness Teachers’ effectiveness was also considered as a multi-dimensional concept covering content knowledge, personal conduct, pedagogical effectiveness, professional effectiveness and classroom management. This study employed the correlational research design on a sample of 102 teachers. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analysed using quantitative methods. Structural equation modelling (SEM) results revealed that while goal setting and career development had positive and significant relationship with teacher effectiveness, performance management appraisal had positive but insignificant relationship with teacher effectiveness. Therefore, it was concluded that goal setting is important for teacher effectiveness, the way of implementing performance appraisal does not enhance teacher effectiveness and career development is necessary for teacher effectiveness. Therefore, it is recommended that administrators should emphasize goal setting in the management of schools and improve the way of implementing appraisal. The Ministry of Education and Sports and school administrators should support teacher career development to enhance their effectiveness.



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Author Biographies

  • Wilson Mugizi, Kyambogo University

    Department of Educational Planning and Management, School of Education

  • Richard Otaka, Kyambogo University

    Otaka Richard is a Masters student of Kyambogo University and a Coordinator at a Centre attached at BULERA CORE P.T.C.

  • Joseph Rwothumio, Kyambogo University

    Dr. Joseph Rwothumio is a Lecturer of Kyambogo University, he holds a PhD in Educational Management of Kenyatta University, Nairobi-Kenya, a Master degree in Human Resource Management in Education of Makerere University and Bachelor’s Education Degree also from Makerere University. His main research interest is in the area of Human resource management in Higher education, with a special focus on academic staff performance, productivity, innovative research and leadership.



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How to Cite

Mugizi, W., Otaka, R., & Rwothumio, J. (2023). Performance Management and Teacher Effectiveness in Primary Schools in Bulaago Coordinating Centre, Bulambuli District, Uganda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 6(2), 122-140.

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