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The paper attempts to discuss the issue of the quality of education in the Nigerian basic school system. It looks into the global yarning for provision and acquisition of quality education for all in societies of the world. Jomtien declaration on Education for All and Sustainable Development Goal 4 which centres on provision of quality education for all are some of the global protocols and agreements reached by societies of the world for improvement in provision of quality education. The paper therefore explores the need for classroom teachers to effectively use multigrade instructional strategy for achievement of global educational aspiration. It discussed the concept multigrade as an instructional strategy which equips a teacher with necessary teaching skills and techniques that enables him or her to effectively teach two or more classes at the same time. Also examined are the relationships between the use of multigrade instructional strategy and cost of education. Considering the vital roles teachers play in implementation of school program, the paper examined their preparation and its effect on school curriculum. The paper concludes that due to complexities in developing societies arising from population explosion resulting to scarcity of resources which affects provision of education to populace, there is need for teachers to be well equipped with up-to-date instructional strategies to cope with the challenges. It therefore recommends that: basic school teachers should be trained on the use of modern instructional strategies that could enhance effective classroom activities in multigrade schools; multigrade instructional strategy should be adequately taught and also its values be exposed to students at colleges of education and faculties of education in universities; and that flesh colleges of education graduates who are employed in rural schools should expose the ideas and benefits of multigrade instructional strategy to the schools’ administrators.


curriculum education instruction learning multigrade teaching

Article Details

Author Biographies

Torpev Terver Francis, Federal University Dutsin-Ma

Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education

Adamu D. Rabi, Federal University Dutsin-Ma

Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education

Magaji Shehu, Federal University Dutsin-Ma

Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education

How to Cite
Torpev, F., Adamu, R., & Magaji, S. (2023). Issues of Basic Education in Nigeria: Need for Inclusion of Multigrade Instructional Strategy in School Curriculum for Effective Teaching and Learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 6(1), 1–14.


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