An Exploratory Factor Analysis for Validation of a Measurement of Organizational Excellence Construct among Universities in the Central Region of Uganda


  • Farooq Miiro Islamic University in Uganda



organizational excellence, strategy, structure, system, shared values, exploratory factor analysis


With the increased competition and interest in organizational excellence, higher education institutions worldwide have been involved in the same struggle to provide solutions to enormous challenges in the society. Therefore the purpose of this study was to develop and measure the underlying structure of the factors that determine organizational excellence construct. The study employed a 28 items questionnaire to address the objective of the study. From the 500 questionnaires distributed to staff from 6 six universities – both public and private, only 300 were valid for data analysis. The 300 lecturers were randomly selected from the six universities and the sample was deemed reasonable for using exploratory factor analysis. The findings of the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) survey revealed that there are four factors that determine organizational excellence structure. These items are recommended by the study to be used in future related research.


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How to Cite

Miiro, F. (2018). An Exploratory Factor Analysis for Validation of a Measurement of Organizational Excellence Construct among Universities in the Central Region of Uganda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 1(1), 49-61.

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