Main Article Content
Organizational culture plays a pivotal role in the development and change of organizations. To achieve institutional competitiveness and repositioning on the world market all key players in the institutional development need to be on the same page in terms of organizational culture. A mammoth of studies have been done in the past to explore organizational culture structure but there were no attempts done to validate and measure the construct on employee behaviour and thoughts at the Islamic University in Uganda. The purpose of this study therefore is to measure and validate organisational construct as perceived by staff at the Islamic University in Uganda. The study employed four dimensions to examine organizational culture, and 361 staff through randomization participated in the study. To arrive at the intention of the study SEM-Amos technique of data analysis was used to confirm the hypothesized measurement model. The results indicated that meaningful value, support and promotion of values, discipline values and free style value are true and valid predictors of organizational culture structure.
Article Details
- A Aw l i k o v á-v i l h a n o v á, V. P. (2004). White Fathers, Islam and Kiswahili in Nineteenth-Century Uganda. Asian and African Studies, 73(2), 198–213.
- Al-bourini, F. A., Al-abdallah, G. M., & Abou-moghli, A. A. (2013). Organizational Culture and Total Quality Management ( TQM ). International Journal of Business and Management, 8(24), 95–106.
- Al-Bourini, F. A., Al-Abdallah, G. M., & Abou-Moghli, A. A. (2013). Organizational culture and total quality management (TQM). International Journal of Business and Management, 8(24), 95–106.
- Asiimwe, S., & Steyn, G. (2013). Obstacles hindering the effective governance of universities in Uganda. Journal of Social Sciences, 34(1), 17–27.
- Assie-Lumumba, N. T. (2006). Higher Education in Africa: Crises, reforms and transformation. Higher Education.
- Awang, Z. (2015). SEM made simple: A gentle approach to learning structural equation modelling. Bandar Baru Bangi: MPWS Rich Publication.
- Bailey, T., Cloete, N., & Pillay, P. (2011). Universities and economic development in africa case study: Kenya and University of Nairobi.
- Barbara G. Tabachnick, L. S. F. (2013). Using multivariate statistics: Pearson new international edition. Pearson Education Inc., Publishing Prentice Hall, Lake Street, Upper Saddle Eiver.
- Bolarinwa, O. A. (2015). Principles and methods of validity and reliability testing of questionnaires used in social and health science researches. Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 22(4), 195–201.
- Bunoti, S. (2011). The quality of higher education in developing countries needs professional support. 22nd International Conference on Higher Education. Retrieved from Sarah Bunoti.pdf
- Bunoti, S. (2016). The quality of higher education in developing countries. Higher Education, 17.
- Byaruhanga, F. K. (2006). African studies history, politics, economics, and culture. (M. Asante, Ed.). New York & London: Routledge New York & London.
- Byrne, B. M. (2009). Structural equation modeling with AMOS. Uta.Fi. Retrieved from
- Chmura, J., Da Veiga, A., Martins, N., Dhillon, G., Syed, R., Pedron, C., Saunders, C. S. (2016). The impact of positive organisational culture values on information security management in the company. Computers and Security, 56(4), 289–296.
- Chwiałkowska, A. (2012). Teamwork in a cross-cultural context: Austria, Poland, and Turkey comparison. Journal of Positive Management, 3(1), 33–49.
- Cohen, Mannion, M. (2011). Validity and reliability. Planning Educational Research, 180–205.
- Cross, M. & Ndofirepi, A. (Ed.). (2017). African higher education: Development and perspectives. Knowledge and Change in African Universities (2nd ed.). Boston: Sense Publishers Rotterdam Boston/Taipei.
- de Vaus, D. A. (2002). Surveys in social research: Natural hazards and earth system sciences (5th ed.). Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, Australia,.
- Dichaba, M., Nwaozuzu, D., Pretoria, M. H., & Africa, S. (2015). 21 – 23 September 2015 “Rethinking Teaching and learning in the 21st Century.”
- Douglas, E., & Selin, Y. M. (2012). Internationalization and globalization in higher education. Globalization - Education and Management Agendas, 3–22.
- Du Preez, P., Simmonds, S., & Verhoef, A. H. (2016). Rethinking and researching transformation in higher education: A meta-study of South African trends. Transformation in Higher Education, 1(1), 7.
- Dushane, G. (2016). Higher education. Science, 124(3232), 1123. Retrieved from
- Farooq, M. (2016). Conflict managememt in higher educational institutions: Acomplexity perspective. (p. 299).
- Farooq, M., Othman, A., Nordin, M. S., & Ibrahim, M. B. (2016). A measurement model of talent management practices among university staff in central. Journal of Positive Management, 7(3), 3–19.
- Farooq, M., Othman, A., Sahari, M., & Burhan, M. (2016). A measurement model of talent management practices among university staff in central. Journal of Positive Management, 3–19.
- Ferda Beytekđn, O., Yalçinkaya, M., Miray, D., & Karakoç, N. (2010). The organizational culture at the University. Educational Research Association The International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2(21), 1–131. Retrieved from
- Freeman, P., Johansson, E., & Thorvaldsson, J. (2010). Enhancing research capacity at Makerere University, Uganda through collaboration with Swedish universities, 2000–2008.
- Frontiera, J. (2010). Leadership and Organizational culture transformation in professional sport. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 17(1), 71–86.
- Henry J.Findlay, Sydney Freeman, Jr., and H. E. F. (2016). Building multi-generation teams and avoiding fatal leasdership. Journal of Higher Education Management, 31(1). Retrieved from
- Higher, F. (2013). Funding higher education in sub-Saharan Africa. (D. Teferra, Ed.). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS.: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Imam, A., Abbasi, A. S., Muneer, S., & Qadri, M. M. (2013). Organizational culture and performance of higher educational institutions: The mediating role of individual readiness for change. European Journal of Business Management, 5(20), 23–35.
- Jacob, M. (2010). Programme on innovation, higher education and research for development (IHERD) Background document research funding instruments and modalities: Implication for developing countries.
- Jibia, M. S., Mubaraka, C. M., & Michael, O. (2013). Integrating ICT in library management: Design and development of an automated library management system for Cavendish University Uganda. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, 4(5), 1–11.
- Kabeba, M. R. (2010). Financial reforms and governance and the crisis in research in public universities in Africa : A case of Uganda. Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 2(7).
- Kasozi, A. B. K., Musisi, N. B., Nakayiwa, F., Balihuta, A., & Katunguka, S. (2003). The uganda tertiary/ higher education unit cost study. Kampala: Makerere Institute of Social Research.
- Kasozi, A. B. K. (2014). Academic corruption : A silent plague in universities. Newvision Uganda, p. 3.
- Kasozi, A. B. K. (2014). Trends in higher education regulation in sub-Saharan Africa. International Higher Education, 75(75), 1–5.
- Kasule, G. W. (2015). Professional development on innovation competence of teaching staff in Ugandan universities. Wageningen.
- Kaweesi, M., & Miiro, F. (2016). Decision Making and problem solving in higher education institutions. Applied Chaos and Complexity Theory in Education (pp. 226–239). IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge.
- Keup, J. R.; Walker, A.A.; Astin, H. S.; Lindholm, J. A. (2001). Organizational culture and institutional transformation. ERIC@-HE Digest Series EDO-HE-2001-04. Retrieved from
- Khine, M. S. (2013). Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research and Practice. Springer.
- Liang, X. (2004). Uganda Tertiary Education Sector Report.
- Lodhi, A. Y. (1994). Muslims in Eastern Africa - Their past and present. Journal of African Studies, 3(1), 88–98.
- Lubaale, G. (2015). External challenges of development studies programmes in contributing to the development of Uganda. Ideal Journal of Education and Policy Studies, 1(1), 1–6.
- Maracine, M. S. (2007). Organisational culture analysis model. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 9(2), 595.
- Mayer, P., Wilde, M., Dinku, A., Fedrowitz, J., Shitemi, N. L., Wahlers, M., & Ziegele, F. (2014). Challenges for faculty management at African higher education institutions. International Journal of Educational Research, 2.
- Mazur, K. (2010). Positive organizational culture as a new trend in cross-cultural management: Basic concepts. Journal of Positive Management, 1(1), 65–75.
- Mersha, Y., Bishaw, A., & Tegegne, F. (2013). Factors affecting female students’ academic achievement at Bahir Dar University. Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 15(3), 135–148. Retrieved from
- Meurs, D., & Koster, F. (2014). Expectations. Journal of Postive Management, 5(4), 50–68.
- Meyer, M., Bushney, M., & Ukpere, W. I. (2011). The impact of globalisation on higher education: achieving a balance between local and global needs and realities. African Journal of Business Management, 5(15), 6569–6578.
- Miiro, F. (2016). Conflict managememt in higher educational institutions: Acomplexity perspective. In Applied chaos and Complexity Theory in Education (p. 299). Information Science Reference (an Inprint of IGI Global)701E.Chocolate Avenue Hershey PA17033.
- Miiro, F. (2017). Holistic personality development of youth through higher education using the prophetic practices. Australian Journal of Humanities and Islamic Studies Research (AJHISR), 3(1), 1–5.
- Miiro, F., Othman, A., Sahari, M., & Burhan, M. (2016). A Measurement model of talent management practices among university staff in central. Journal of Positive Management, 7(3), 3–19.
- Miiro, F., Othman, A., Sahari, M., & Burhan, M. (2017a). Examining organizational health practices among universities. Journal of Positive Management, 8(2), 69–86.
- Miiro, F., Othman, A., Sahari, N. M., & Burhan, I. M. (2017b). analysing the relationship between sustainable leadership, talent management and organization health as predictors of university transformation. Journal of Positive Management 32(1), 32–50.
- Mpaata,A., K. (2010). University competitiveness through quality assurance: The challenging battle for intellectuals. Kampala.
- Mugabi, H. (2008). The role of religiously affiliated universities in the provision of higher education in Uganda : A case study of Uganda Christian University ( UCU ). Uganda Christian University.
- Muriisa, R. K. (2014). Rethinking the role of universities in Africa : Leadership as a missing link in explaining university performance in Uganda. Jhea/Resa, 12(1), 69–92. Retrieved from
- Muthén, L. K., & Muthén, B. O. (2009). How to Use a Monte Carlo Study to Decide on Sample Size and Determine Power. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 9(4), 599–620.
- Muwagga, A. M. (2011). Reflections on the philosophy behind the different universities in Uganda. Educational Research, 2(1), 736–744.
- Nabayego, C., & Itaaga, N. (2014). How university education in uganda can be improved to prepare economically productive graduates. Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 62–70.
- NCHE. (2006). The state of higher education and training in Uganda 2011: A report on higher education delivery and institutions. Retrieved from
- NCHE. (2010). The state of higher education and training in Uganda 2011: a report on higher education delivery and institutions. Kampala. Retrieved from
- NCHE. (2011). The state of higher education and training in Uganda 2011: a report on higher education delivery and institutions. Kampala: NCHE. Retrieved from
- O’Donnell, O., Boyle, R., Committee for Public Management Research (Ireland), & Institute of Public Administration (Ireland). (2008). Understanding and managing organisational culture.
- Ortiz, J. (2004). International business education in a global environment: A conceptual approach. International Education Journal, 5(2), 255–265.
- Oyo, B., Williams, D., & Barendsen, E. (2008). A system dynamics tool for higher education funding and quality policy analysis. Information Sciences, 1–29. Retrieved from
- Peyrat-Guillard, D., & Glińska-Newes, A. (2010). Positive organizational potential, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour: a French / Polish comparison. Journal of Positive Management, 1(1), 47–65.
- Pillay, P. (1995). Higher education financing. Higher Education (Vol. 1).
- Pinheiro, R., Ouma, G. W., & Pillay, P. (2012). The dynamics of university transformation: A case study in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Jhea/Resa, 10(1), 95–120.
- Saillour-Glénisson, F., Domecq, S., Kret, M., Sibe, M., Dumond, J. P., & Michel, P. (2016). Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess organizational culture in French hospital wards. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 1–14.
- Saymeh, A. A. F. (2014). Higher education and scientific research of third world countries need professional support: Case of Jordan. Education Journal, 3(4), 245.
- Ssempebwa, J., & Nakaiza, J. (2013). Why are reform initiatives in East African Universities failing ? Journal of Educational Review, 6(1).
- Tibarimbasa, A. (2010). Factors affecting the management of private universities in Uganda. University of Makerere, 253.
- van Wyk, B. (2009). Universities as organisations or institutions? Higher Education in South Africa - A Scholarly Look behind the Scenes, 331–347.
- Vilcea, M. A. (2014). Quality culture in universities and influences on formal and non-formal education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 163, 148–152.
- Walentynowicz, P. (2014). Lean organizational culture as an example of a positive organizational culture. Journal of Positive Management, 5(1), 67–84.
- Wang, X., French, B. F., & Clay, P. F. (2015). Convergent and discriminant validity with formative measurement: A mediator perspective. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 14(1), 83–106.
- Wolf, E. J., Harrington, K. M., Clark, S. L., & Miller, M. W. (2015). Sample size requirements for structural equation models: An evaluation of power, bias, and solution propriety. National Institutes of Health, 76(6), 913–934.
- Żarnik-żuławska, J. (2012). Personnel marketing as a stimulant for creating a new company identity. Journal of Postive Management, 105–120.
- Zeelen, J. (2012). Universities in Africa: Working on excellence for whom? Reflections on teaching, research, and outreach activities at African universities. International Journal of Higher Education, 1(2), 157–165.
A Aw l i k o v á-v i l h a n o v á, V. P. (2004). White Fathers, Islam and Kiswahili in Nineteenth-Century Uganda. Asian and African Studies, 73(2), 198–213.
Al-bourini, F. A., Al-abdallah, G. M., & Abou-moghli, A. A. (2013). Organizational Culture and Total Quality Management ( TQM ). International Journal of Business and Management, 8(24), 95–106.
Al-Bourini, F. A., Al-Abdallah, G. M., & Abou-Moghli, A. A. (2013). Organizational culture and total quality management (TQM). International Journal of Business and Management, 8(24), 95–106.
Asiimwe, S., & Steyn, G. (2013). Obstacles hindering the effective governance of universities in Uganda. Journal of Social Sciences, 34(1), 17–27.
Assie-Lumumba, N. T. (2006). Higher Education in Africa: Crises, reforms and transformation. Higher Education.
Awang, Z. (2015). SEM made simple: A gentle approach to learning structural equation modelling. Bandar Baru Bangi: MPWS Rich Publication.
Bailey, T., Cloete, N., & Pillay, P. (2011). Universities and economic development in africa case study: Kenya and University of Nairobi.
Barbara G. Tabachnick, L. S. F. (2013). Using multivariate statistics: Pearson new international edition. Pearson Education Inc., Publishing Prentice Hall, Lake Street, Upper Saddle Eiver.
Bolarinwa, O. A. (2015). Principles and methods of validity and reliability testing of questionnaires used in social and health science researches. Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 22(4), 195–201.
Bunoti, S. (2011). The quality of higher education in developing countries needs professional support. 22nd International Conference on Higher Education. Retrieved from Sarah Bunoti.pdf
Bunoti, S. (2016). The quality of higher education in developing countries. Higher Education, 17.
Byaruhanga, F. K. (2006). African studies history, politics, economics, and culture. (M. Asante, Ed.). New York & London: Routledge New York & London.
Byrne, B. M. (2009). Structural equation modeling with AMOS. Uta.Fi. Retrieved from
Chmura, J., Da Veiga, A., Martins, N., Dhillon, G., Syed, R., Pedron, C., Saunders, C. S. (2016). The impact of positive organisational culture values on information security management in the company. Computers and Security, 56(4), 289–296.
Chwiałkowska, A. (2012). Teamwork in a cross-cultural context: Austria, Poland, and Turkey comparison. Journal of Positive Management, 3(1), 33–49.
Cohen, Mannion, M. (2011). Validity and reliability. Planning Educational Research, 180–205.
Cross, M. & Ndofirepi, A. (Ed.). (2017). African higher education: Development and perspectives. Knowledge and Change in African Universities (2nd ed.). Boston: Sense Publishers Rotterdam Boston/Taipei.
de Vaus, D. A. (2002). Surveys in social research: Natural hazards and earth system sciences (5th ed.). Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, Australia,.
Dichaba, M., Nwaozuzu, D., Pretoria, M. H., & Africa, S. (2015). 21 – 23 September 2015 “Rethinking Teaching and learning in the 21st Century.”
Douglas, E., & Selin, Y. M. (2012). Internationalization and globalization in higher education. Globalization - Education and Management Agendas, 3–22.
Du Preez, P., Simmonds, S., & Verhoef, A. H. (2016). Rethinking and researching transformation in higher education: A meta-study of South African trends. Transformation in Higher Education, 1(1), 7.
Dushane, G. (2016). Higher education. Science, 124(3232), 1123. Retrieved from
Farooq, M. (2016). Conflict managememt in higher educational institutions: Acomplexity perspective. (p. 299).
Farooq, M., Othman, A., Nordin, M. S., & Ibrahim, M. B. (2016). A measurement model of talent management practices among university staff in central. Journal of Positive Management, 7(3), 3–19.
Farooq, M., Othman, A., Sahari, M., & Burhan, M. (2016). A measurement model of talent management practices among university staff in central. Journal of Positive Management, 3–19.
Ferda Beytekđn, O., Yalçinkaya, M., Miray, D., & Karakoç, N. (2010). The organizational culture at the University. Educational Research Association The International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2(21), 1–131. Retrieved from
Freeman, P., Johansson, E., & Thorvaldsson, J. (2010). Enhancing research capacity at Makerere University, Uganda through collaboration with Swedish universities, 2000–2008.
Frontiera, J. (2010). Leadership and Organizational culture transformation in professional sport. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 17(1), 71–86.
Henry J.Findlay, Sydney Freeman, Jr., and H. E. F. (2016). Building multi-generation teams and avoiding fatal leasdership. Journal of Higher Education Management, 31(1). Retrieved from
Higher, F. (2013). Funding higher education in sub-Saharan Africa. (D. Teferra, Ed.). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Imam, A., Abbasi, A. S., Muneer, S., & Qadri, M. M. (2013). Organizational culture and performance of higher educational institutions: The mediating role of individual readiness for change. European Journal of Business Management, 5(20), 23–35.
Jacob, M. (2010). Programme on innovation, higher education and research for development (IHERD) Background document research funding instruments and modalities: Implication for developing countries.
Jibia, M. S., Mubaraka, C. M., & Michael, O. (2013). Integrating ICT in library management: Design and development of an automated library management system for Cavendish University Uganda. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, 4(5), 1–11.
Kabeba, M. R. (2010). Financial reforms and governance and the crisis in research in public universities in Africa : A case of Uganda. Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 2(7).
Kasozi, A. B. K., Musisi, N. B., Nakayiwa, F., Balihuta, A., & Katunguka, S. (2003). The uganda tertiary/ higher education unit cost study. Kampala: Makerere Institute of Social Research.
Kasozi, A. B. K. (2014). Academic corruption : A silent plague in universities. Newvision Uganda, p. 3.
Kasozi, A. B. K. (2014). Trends in higher education regulation in sub-Saharan Africa. International Higher Education, 75(75), 1–5.
Kasule, G. W. (2015). Professional development on innovation competence of teaching staff in Ugandan universities. Wageningen.
Kaweesi, M., & Miiro, F. (2016). Decision Making and problem solving in higher education institutions. Applied Chaos and Complexity Theory in Education (pp. 226–239). IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge.
Keup, J. R.; Walker, A.A.; Astin, H. S.; Lindholm, J. A. (2001). Organizational culture and institutional transformation. ERIC@-HE Digest Series EDO-HE-2001-04. Retrieved from
Khine, M. S. (2013). Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research and Practice. Springer.
Liang, X. (2004). Uganda Tertiary Education Sector Report.
Lodhi, A. Y. (1994). Muslims in Eastern Africa - Their past and present. Journal of African Studies, 3(1), 88–98.
Lubaale, G. (2015). External challenges of development studies programmes in contributing to the development of Uganda. Ideal Journal of Education and Policy Studies, 1(1), 1–6.
Maracine, M. S. (2007). Organisational culture analysis model. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 9(2), 595.
Mayer, P., Wilde, M., Dinku, A., Fedrowitz, J., Shitemi, N. L., Wahlers, M., & Ziegele, F. (2014). Challenges for faculty management at African higher education institutions. International Journal of Educational Research, 2.
Mazur, K. (2010). Positive organizational culture as a new trend in cross-cultural management: Basic concepts. Journal of Positive Management, 1(1), 65–75.
Mersha, Y., Bishaw, A., & Tegegne, F. (2013). Factors affecting female students’ academic achievement at Bahir Dar University. Journal of International Cooperation in Education, 15(3), 135–148. Retrieved from
Meurs, D., & Koster, F. (2014). Expectations. Journal of Postive Management, 5(4), 50–68.
Meyer, M., Bushney, M., & Ukpere, W. I. (2011). The impact of globalisation on higher education: achieving a balance between local and global needs and realities. African Journal of Business Management, 5(15), 6569–6578.
Miiro, F. (2016). Conflict managememt in higher educational institutions: Acomplexity perspective. In Applied chaos and Complexity Theory in Education (p. 299). Information Science Reference (an Inprint of IGI Global)701E.Chocolate Avenue Hershey PA17033.
Miiro, F. (2017). Holistic personality development of youth through higher education using the prophetic practices. Australian Journal of Humanities and Islamic Studies Research (AJHISR), 3(1), 1–5.
Miiro, F., Othman, A., Sahari, M., & Burhan, M. (2016). A Measurement model of talent management practices among university staff in central. Journal of Positive Management, 7(3), 3–19.
Miiro, F., Othman, A., Sahari, M., & Burhan, M. (2017a). Examining organizational health practices among universities. Journal of Positive Management, 8(2), 69–86.
Miiro, F., Othman, A., Sahari, N. M., & Burhan, I. M. (2017b). analysing the relationship between sustainable leadership, talent management and organization health as predictors of university transformation. Journal of Positive Management 32(1), 32–50.
Mpaata,A., K. (2010). University competitiveness through quality assurance: The challenging battle for intellectuals. Kampala.
Mugabi, H. (2008). The role of religiously affiliated universities in the provision of higher education in Uganda : A case study of Uganda Christian University ( UCU ). Uganda Christian University.
Muriisa, R. K. (2014). Rethinking the role of universities in Africa : Leadership as a missing link in explaining university performance in Uganda. Jhea/Resa, 12(1), 69–92. Retrieved from
Muthén, L. K., & Muthén, B. O. (2009). How to Use a Monte Carlo Study to Decide on Sample Size and Determine Power. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 9(4), 599–620.
Muwagga, A. M. (2011). Reflections on the philosophy behind the different universities in Uganda. Educational Research, 2(1), 736–744.
Nabayego, C., & Itaaga, N. (2014). How university education in uganda can be improved to prepare economically productive graduates. Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 62–70.
NCHE. (2006). The state of higher education and training in Uganda 2011: A report on higher education delivery and institutions. Retrieved from
NCHE. (2010). The state of higher education and training in Uganda 2011: a report on higher education delivery and institutions. Kampala. Retrieved from
NCHE. (2011). The state of higher education and training in Uganda 2011: a report on higher education delivery and institutions. Kampala: NCHE. Retrieved from
O’Donnell, O., Boyle, R., Committee for Public Management Research (Ireland), & Institute of Public Administration (Ireland). (2008). Understanding and managing organisational culture.
Ortiz, J. (2004). International business education in a global environment: A conceptual approach. International Education Journal, 5(2), 255–265.
Oyo, B., Williams, D., & Barendsen, E. (2008). A system dynamics tool for higher education funding and quality policy analysis. Information Sciences, 1–29. Retrieved from
Peyrat-Guillard, D., & Glińska-Newes, A. (2010). Positive organizational potential, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour: a French / Polish comparison. Journal of Positive Management, 1(1), 47–65.
Pillay, P. (1995). Higher education financing. Higher Education (Vol. 1).
Pinheiro, R., Ouma, G. W., & Pillay, P. (2012). The dynamics of university transformation: A case study in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Jhea/Resa, 10(1), 95–120.
Saillour-Glénisson, F., Domecq, S., Kret, M., Sibe, M., Dumond, J. P., & Michel, P. (2016). Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess organizational culture in French hospital wards. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 1–14.
Saymeh, A. A. F. (2014). Higher education and scientific research of third world countries need professional support: Case of Jordan. Education Journal, 3(4), 245.
Ssempebwa, J., & Nakaiza, J. (2013). Why are reform initiatives in East African Universities failing ? Journal of Educational Review, 6(1).
Tibarimbasa, A. (2010). Factors affecting the management of private universities in Uganda. University of Makerere, 253.
van Wyk, B. (2009). Universities as organisations or institutions? Higher Education in South Africa - A Scholarly Look behind the Scenes, 331–347.
Vilcea, M. A. (2014). Quality culture in universities and influences on formal and non-formal education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 163, 148–152.
Walentynowicz, P. (2014). Lean organizational culture as an example of a positive organizational culture. Journal of Positive Management, 5(1), 67–84.
Wang, X., French, B. F., & Clay, P. F. (2015). Convergent and discriminant validity with formative measurement: A mediator perspective. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 14(1), 83–106.
Wolf, E. J., Harrington, K. M., Clark, S. L., & Miller, M. W. (2015). Sample size requirements for structural equation models: An evaluation of power, bias, and solution propriety. National Institutes of Health, 76(6), 913–934.
Żarnik-żuławska, J. (2012). Personnel marketing as a stimulant for creating a new company identity. Journal of Postive Management, 105–120.
Zeelen, J. (2012). Universities in Africa: Working on excellence for whom? Reflections on teaching, research, and outreach activities at African universities. International Journal of Higher Education, 1(2), 157–165.