Parental Guidance Skills and Students’ Discipline Management in Secondary Schools in Kapchorwa District, Uganda


  • Kamonges Wahab Asad Islamic University in Uganda



parental, guidance skills, teacher counsellors, discipline management, secondary schools


The study investigated on the parental guidance skills and students’ discipline management in secondary schools in Kapchorwa district. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to help us better understand the experiences of teacher counsellors on the guidance skills expected of parents in the management of students’ discipline in secondary schools. Four informants were purposively selected from four out of the six government aided secondary schools in Kapchorwa District and data was collected via interviews and analysed based on the perspectives of the teacher counsellors on the parental guidance skills and their management of discipline of students. The following conclusions were derived; There was less teamwork between the school administrations and the parents in the management of students’ discipline, the parents gave little audience to their children which made them not to express their issues freely and openly, there is a poor parent-child relationship on matters regarding indiscipline, the parents lack adequate knowledge on the growth and development changes that children go through at different stages of development, and the parents lack adequate guidance skills necessary for the management of students’ discipline. It was recommended that; parents should work in collaboration with school counsellors and teachers so as to reduce on the number of indiscipline cases in secondary schools, they should improve on their relationships with their children through establishment of good rapport, and that the school administrators should organise workshops and seminars geared towards educating parents on various issues affecting students.


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How to Cite

Kamonges, W. (2020). Parental Guidance Skills and Students’ Discipline Management in Secondary Schools in Kapchorwa District, Uganda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 3(1), 62-77.

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