Parenting Styles and Students’ Personality in Public Secondary Schools in Eastern Uganda


  • Kamonges Wahab Asad Islamic University in Uganda
  • Airat Sulaiman Islamic University in Uganda
  • Matovu Musa Islamic University in Uganda



parenting styles, public secondary school, students’ personality


The study sought to establish the relationship between parenting styles and students’ personality in public secondary schools in Eastern Uganda. The study used correlational research design. A sample size of 368 students were selected from a target population of 9,143 using simple random sampling technique. A self-designed questionnaire was used for data collection. The content validity index was.83 and the Cronbach alpha coefficient of correlation was found to be 0.82. It was hypothesized that; There is no statistically significant relationship between parenting styles and students’ personality in public secondary schools. The student’s personality traits of extraversion, agreeableness and openness to experience were found to be high and conscientiousness and neuroticism personality trait were moderate. There was a weak and statistically significant relationship between parenting styles and students’ personality among students in public secondary schools (r =.283**, p= < .000). It was recommended that parents adopt the authoritative parenting style as it facilitates good students’ personality traits as they pursue their education endeavours and the school administrators should organize an awareness and sensitization workshops on the influence of the educating families regarding awareness of the parenting styles and students’ personality traits.


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Author Biographies

  • Kamonges Wahab Asad, Islamic University in Uganda

    PhD Candidate Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education

  • Airat Sulaiman, Islamic University in Uganda

    Professor Counselling Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education

  • Matovu Musa, Islamic University in Uganda

    Assoc. Professor Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Asad, K. W., Sulaiman, A., & Musa, M. (2023). Parenting Styles and Students’ Personality in Public Secondary Schools in Eastern Uganda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 6(2), 185-202.

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