Reading Motivation in Rural Areas Based on School Type and Gender
gender, private schools, public schools, reading motivation ruralAbstract
Recently, no research was found to differentiate reading motivation, but focused on reading interest so the aim of this research was to look at differences in students' reading motivation based on school type and gender, because these two things are issues that are rarely analyzed. There are two hypotheses proposed, namely (H1) There are differences in reading motivation based on gender (H2) There are differences in reading motivation based on school type. Samples were taken by strata and data using a reading motivation scale, which will then be analyzed using a t-test. The results of this study explain that there are no differences in rural students' reading motivation based on their gender, meaning that this study rejects the first alternative hypothesis. However, we accept the second alternative hypothesis because it proves that there are differences in reading motivation based on school type. The impacts and recommendations are explained later in this research.
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