School Branding and Student Enrolment in Private Secondary Schools in Iganga Municipality, Uganda


  • Abdallah Nakalyakaani Islamic University in Uganda
  • Ssali Muhammadi Bisaso Islamic University in Uganda



branding, enrolment, school image, school culture, customer care


The study examined the relationship between school branding and student enrolment in private secondary schools in Iganga Municipality guided by three specific objectives seeking to examine the relationship between 1) school image 2) school culture and 3) customer care, and student enrolment in private secondary schools in Iganga Municipality. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design with both quantitative and qualitative approaches. A sample of 100 student leaders, 3 head teachers and 33 academic heads of department was selected using simple random sampling and census inquiry respectively. Data collection was by use of a closed-ended Likert type questionnaire, interview guide and focus group discussion guide. Quantitative data was analysed using correlation and multiple regression as well as thematic content analysis for qualitative data. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients obtained for the study hypotheses were positive and statistically significant; school image and student enrolment (r= .290, p <003), school culture and student enrolment (r= .462, p <0.000) and customer care and student enrolment (r= .358, p <0.000). Overall, school branding indicates a positive weak effect on student enrolment (R2 = .247, p <.000). It was concluded that school branding has a weak relationship with student enrolment. The study recommends piloting of strategies beforehand, improved information flow, government intervention in support of inclusive education, instituting a culture of strategic planning, improved responsiveness and creation of conducive learning climate. Further research is proposed on the same topic at national level as well as considering other factors influencing student enrolment since school branding only contributes 24.7%.


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How to Cite

Nakalyakaani, A., & Bisaso, S. (2020). School Branding and Student Enrolment in Private Secondary Schools in Iganga Municipality, Uganda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 3(1), 28-46.

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