Integration of Modern ICTs as Modes of Instruction for Islamic Education in Higher Institutions of Learning


  • AbdulSwamad Gyagenda Islamic University in Uganda



Islamic education, instruction, ICTs, holistic personality


Islamic education has largely been taught using traditional methods. The world has changed in so many aspects of life. Technology has affected all sectors including the teaching-learning environment. Use of electronic materials to search for knowledge and using multimedia for content creation can no longer be separated from education. These developments have to bring a paradigm shift in the mode of instruction of Islamic education in the contemporary world. In this paper, there’s an analysis of the existing literature about the ICT use in the teaching-learning environment. The researcher recommends a blend and balance between the traditional methods and use of modern technologies to enhance the instruction of Islamic education.


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How to Cite

Gyagenda, A. (2021). Integration of Modern ICTs as Modes of Instruction for Islamic Education in Higher Institutions of Learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 4(2), 133-145.

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