Compensation and Workplace Behaviour: The Catalysts for Personnel Job Performance in Ministries of Education in North- Central Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria


  • Yusuf A. Ayinde University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria



compensation, workplace behaviours, staff job performance, ministries of education


This study examined the effects of compensation and workplace behaviour on personnel job performance in the ministries of education in North-Central Geo-political Zone, Nigeria. Specifically, it examined the relationship between compensation and workplace behaviour, and personnel job performance in the ministries of education. The objectives of the study were to: examine the level of staff compensation; investigate the level of workplace behaviour; examine the level of personnel job performance; and examine the relationship between compensation and workplace behaviour, and personnel job performance. The study was a descriptive research design of correlation type. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select three out of the six states in the Geo-political Zone and purposive sampling technique was used to select all the three state ministries of education in these states. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 503 out of the 878 staff in the state ministries of education, and 145 principal officials (Directors, Assistant and Deputy Directors) out of the 243 in the states which constituted 60%. “Compensation Questionnaire” (CQ), Workplace Behaviour Questionnaire” (WPQ) and “Personnel Job Performance Questionnaire” (PJPQ) were used to collect data for the study. The reliability coefficients for CQ, WPQ and PJPQ were 0.67, 0.75 and 0.86 respectively. Data was analysed using Mean and Standard Deviation while Multiple Regression was used to test the hypothesis at .05 alpha level. The coefficient of multiple regression (R) of 0.72 and multiple correlation of square (R2) of 0.052 were realized. The study concluded that effective compensation and efficient workplace behaviour play significant roles in enhancing personnel job performance in the ministries of education in North-Central States, Nigeria. The study recommended that, state governments should intensify their efforts by paying more attention to staff compensation through prompt payment of attractive salary, timely promotion, provision of affordable health services and improved training opportunities; and also ensure that staff maintain workplace behaviour through strict implementation of staff code of conduct and that appropriate sanctions are carried out on defaulters.


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How to Cite

Ayinde, Y. (2021). Compensation and Workplace Behaviour: The Catalysts for Personnel Job Performance in Ministries of Education in North- Central Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 4(2), 176-189.

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