Adopting the Use of Low-Cost Assessment Strategies in Resource-Constrained Higher Education Institutions


  • Alfred Buluma Makerere University Kampala
  • Rovincer Najjuma Makerere University Kampala
  • Betty Ezati Makerere University Kampala



assessment, financing of higher education, formative assessment, feedback, teacher education pedagogy


Assessment is an integral aspect of teaching and learning in an academic institution. It provides the primary information based on to make several decisions by the different stakeholders. The vital nature of this information makes assessment an expensive venture. Educational institutions incur a lot of costs in administration of these assessments and yet they are financially struggling to meet their budgets.  However, low-cost strategies are available to bring about authentic assessment of learners. Consequently, this article presents findings about adoption of low-cost assessment strategies in financially constrained higher education institutions. Specifically, the study was conducted in teacher education pedagogy at one of the public universities in Uganda to establish the adopted low-cost assessment strategies. A qualitative research approach based on a descriptive study design was used to investigate this study. Data was collected using observation, interview and documentary review methods. Study findings established use of presentations, hands-on exercises, peer assessment, tests, drama and take-home assignments as the low-cost assessment strategies adopted by individual lecturers in higher education institutions in Uganda. It was concluded that the adopted low-cost assessment strategies in resource-constrained institutions have the potential to nurture 21st century citizens. And therefore, a recommendation for university-wide adoption of low-cost assessment strategies was suggested to management of higher education institutions in resource-constrained countries.


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How to Cite

Buluma, A., Najjuma, R., & Ezati, B. (2020). Adopting the Use of Low-Cost Assessment Strategies in Resource-Constrained Higher Education Institutions. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 3(2), 94-111.

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