Application of Information Communication Technology in Developing Critical Thinking Among Social Studies Pre-Service Teachers in Kogi State


  • Zabur Olayiwola Soluade Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria.
  • Samuel Olayinka Idowu Micheal Otedola College of Primary Education, Noforija, Epe, Lagos State.
  • Adedayo Oyewole Sofadekan Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria.



critical thinking, ICT, social studies, pre-service teachers


The study examined the application of ICT in developing critical thinking among Social Studies pre-service teachers and assessed the role of gender on the application of ICT in Social Studies.  Two hypotheses were tested in this study.  The study adopted a quasi-experimental design A simple random sampling technique was used in selecting two out of three Colleges of Education in Kogi State and self-selecting sampling procedure was used in identifying the subjects. The researcher made use of 70 pre-service 200 level Social Studies students in the two selected government owned Colleges of Education in Kogi State. Thirty-five pre-service teachers were selected from each of the two colleges of education.  Two instruments were used, namely, Controversial Issues and ICT Instructional Package (CIIIP) and Controversial Issues Achievement Test (CIAT) r = .86.  The administration of the instrument lasted for six weeks. Data collected were analysed using ANCOVA.  The results of the analysis indicate that ICT related strategies such as social media strategy contributed more significantly than conventional method in enhancing learning outcomes of the students in controversial issues discussion in Social Studies and there is moderating effect of academic ability on the students’ post-test achievement scores in controversial issues discussion in Social Studies.  Based on the findings, it is recommended that ICT related strategies will be of immense benefit in improving academic achievement of students in Social Studies, hence the use of ICT in Social Studies classroom should be inculcated in the curriculum of Social Studies educators.


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Author Biographies

  • Zabur Olayiwola Soluade, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria.

    College of Social and Management Sciences Department of Sociological Studies

  • Samuel Olayinka Idowu, Micheal Otedola College of Primary Education, Noforija, Epe, Lagos State.

    Department of Social Studies School of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Adedayo Oyewole Sofadekan, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria.

    Department of Sociological Studies College of Social and Management Sciences


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How to Cite

Soluade, Z. O., Idowu , S. O., & Sofadekan, A. O. (2022). Application of Information Communication Technology in Developing Critical Thinking Among Social Studies Pre-Service Teachers in Kogi State. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 5(1), 36-47.

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