Organisational Envy, Teachers’ Job Commitment and Satisfaction in Public Senior Secondary Schools, Education District V, Lagos State, Nigeria




educational district, envy, job commitment, job satisfaction, senior secondary


Over the last two decades, the duty of controlling employees' emotions, particularly teachers, has emerged as a critical component of maintaining a successful school environment. While good emotions have acquired value as a result of positive school organisation behaviour, negative emotions in the workplace, especially in schools, have been neglected. This study looked at the link between organisational envy and teachers’ job commitment and satisfaction in public senior secondary schools in Lagos State Educational District V. The study used a correlational and descriptive survey design with simple random sampling. A total of 240 responses from the 300 administered instruments was determined and used for final analysis. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient was used to evaluate two hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance. The findings indicate that there is a link between school organisation envy and teachers' work commitment. The study also discovered that school organisation envy is strongly connected to teachers’ job satisfaction. Based on this assumption, the study suggested that in order to create a healthy organisation, school administrators should limit the negative repercussions of envy and they should establish a suitable working atmosphere that would promote cultures of accepting others and reduce envy among instructors.


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Author Biographies

  • Nurudeen Olalekan Orunbon, Lagos State University

    Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education

  • Olawumi Bukola Makinde, Lagos State University

    Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Orunbon, O. N., & Makinde, B. O. (2023). Organisational Envy, Teachers’ Job Commitment and Satisfaction in Public Senior Secondary Schools, Education District V, Lagos State, Nigeria. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 6(1), 49-61.

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