Flipped Classroom Model: Enhancing Students’ Interaction and Engagement in Large Classes


  • Abdulnassir Yassin Islamic University in Uganda




ERP, learning interaction, learning engagement, out-of-class activities, in-class activities


This study sought to determine the extent of students’ learning interaction and engagement in large flipped classrooms at Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU). With major focus attributed to determining the extent of the flipped classroom method on; student-lecturer, student-student and student-content interactions, and also on students’ emotional and behavioural engagement. The study further sought to determine students’ perceived value of large flipped classroom. A mixed methods approach with an embedded design was adopted, with questionnaires and interviews administered to the 3rd year Education students of 2020/2021 at IUIU. A descriptive analysis was conducted and the results indicate that, the greatest interaction existed between students themselves and students and content, although a moderate interaction was witnessed between students and lecturer. With descriptive means (M) and percentages stated as, Student-Student interaction M=3.14 (34.7%), Student-Content interaction M=3.12 (33.4%) and Student-Lecturer interaction M=2.88 (31.9%). Students greatly engaged through behavioural and emotional attributes, with means noted as M=3.31 (50.8%) and M=3.20 (49.2%) respectively. Students had strong positive perception on the instructional value of large flipped classroom method. Therefore to improve on the interaction and engagement of the learners in large classes, stakeholders should adapt student centred approaches like flipped classroom. Perhaps with technology advancement it’s quite easy. Although not all is done, there is still need to determine the relationship between the students’ interaction and engagement in flipped classroom method and establish relationship between flipped classroom method and learning interactions, and learning engagements in large classes of over 200 students.


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Author Biography

  • Abdulnassir Yassin, Islamic University in Uganda

    Department of Curriculum and Instruction (Instructional Technology), Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Yassin, A. (2022). Flipped Classroom Model: Enhancing Students’ Interaction and Engagement in Large Classes. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 5(2), 73-91. https://doi.org/10.53449/ije.v5i2.164

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