Journal of Management and Business Sciences (JOMBS), ISSN: 2791-1047


The Journal of Management and Business Sciences (JOMBS) to be published twice a year aims at improving the quality of teaching and learning in business and management and championing transformation in business, management, procurement, and public administration through research.

It welcomes empirical and theoretical articles on the theory and practice of management and administration locally and internationally. Scholars are invited to submit manuscripts on topics in the following disciplines:

  • Management,
  • Accounting,
  • Finance,
  • Marketing,
  • Procurement & Logistics Management,
  • Public Administration,
  • Islamic Banking & Finance,
  • Halal Management and Tourism
  • Human Resources Management and
  • Risk Management.


All manuscripts are subject to a double-blind peer review process and should conform to the following guidelines:

  • Include: Title, Author(s), Abstract, Introduction, Main text, Conclusion, and References (APA)
  • Author’s names should follow first, middle & last/surname order (or the formal order)
  • Abstract should contain 250 words and a list of at least 5 keywords
  • Main text should contain 4,000-6,000 words, excluding references
  • Follow the American Psychological Association 6th Edition format
  • Single-space typed with 1” margin on all sides in 11-font size – Times New Romans and B5 (6.93 × 9.84) paper size
  • Shall not have been previously published or be under simultaneous review elsewhere
  • Contributions shall be in English

Full papers should be submitted to: by Monday, 4th March, 2024.

All papers will be subjected to Turnitin check of similarity levels which should not go beyond 10%. The editors reserve the right to reject any submitted manuscript, and these are not returned to authors.


Dr. Shamsuddin Bolatito Ibn A-O.

FMS-Research and Publication Unit.