Assessment Of The Impact Of Feminism And Rise Of Women To Power In Uganda: Perspective And Challenges


  • Kajoba Abdul Rahim Abdallah International Islamic University Malaysia


Feminist movements, Gender mainstreaming, Feminism,, Reproductive, Family law, women emancipation


The study aims to explore the impact of Feminism and the rise of women to power in Uganda. Furthermore, assesses whether the rise of women to power has answered the inequality gap that feminists and their movements have always advocated for in their agenda. The study examined a critical assessment of the perceived effect of Feminism in Uganda, how the rise of women in power and politics has addressed the demands of the feminist movement, and what other integrated policies the government needs to design to address gender imbalances and inequalities in Uganda. The researcher used secondary data as his source. He acquired literature from the Ugandan Gazette on policies, research reports, articles, UNDP reports, and other online sources. The author used content analysis as a means of analyzing data. A critical analysis has been drawn at the end of the study as a conclusion.


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Author Biography

  • Kajoba Abdul Rahim Abdallah, International Islamic University Malaysia

    International Islamic University Malaysia



