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This study focused on Teenage Pregnancy and forced marriage and Girl-Child Education. The study specifically sought to find out the impacts of Teenage Pregnancy and Forced Marriage on Girl Child Education. This was typically qualitative research to address the research questions. A combination of semi structured interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KII) were administered to the research participants. The data analysis was spiral and narative, it started when the researcher was still in the field. As data was collected, the researcher continued to short the data by coding them and developing concepts. The purpose was to reduce the backlog of data findings of the study which revealed that teenage pregnancy and forced marriages limits young females to reach their fullest potential in education, it has increased the rate of dropout among girls, it affects retention of girls at school, thus, low completion rate, it equally affects performance of girls at all levels of education, sicknesses related to pregnancy and as well as domestic responsibilities at marriages negatively affect the education of girls, it leads to high rate of unemployment among teenage mothers because of low education, high illiteracy rate among girls in Yumbe as a result of teenage pregnancy and forced marriages.


Education Forced Marriages Girlchild , Impact Teenage Pregnancy

Article Details

Author Biography

Kiira Jamal, Islamic University in Uganda

Department of Public Administration

Faculty of Management Studies,

Islamic University in Uganda