Main Article Content


Administrative law plays a pivotal role in shaping the interactions between government agencies and

society, influencing policy implementation, governance structures, and individual rights. The United

States' administrative law framework, rooted in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and shaped

by landmark judicial decisions, offers valuable insights for social scientists. Lessons include the

delicate balance between administrative discretion and judicial oversight, the importance of transparent

and participatory processes, and the continuous evaluation and adaptation of administrative law in

response to societal changes. The study also delves into the U.S. experience with regulatory capture,

emphasizing the need to address potential conflicts of interest to ensure fairness and equity.

Furthermore, the study highlights the role of specialized administrative tribunals and the ongoing

consideration of social justice in administrative decision-making. By analyzing the U.S. model, social

scientists gain valuable perspectives for understanding the intricate dynamics between administrative

law and societal interests, providing a foundation for comparative studies and informing discussions on

the evolution and enhancement of administrative law in diverse contexts.


Administrative Law Uganda social sciences United states of America

Article Details

Author Biography

Nakijoba Hadijah, Islamic University in Uganda

Department of Comparative Law/Political science