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Pandemics continue to be a very big problem in the globe but the effect is more felt by  the third world countries. Most of the countries have been affected by corvid-19 in 2019 and Uganda has not been an exception. This has shattered the social, economic and political affairs of countries and in the same way, having been an unexpected pandemic, has equally had many lessons for the societies both developed and underdeveloped. Community participation, also called Community participation aims at engaging and involving people in the community to get the maximum benefit for the entire society in as far as problem solving is concerned. It involves the gathering of different views from whoever wants to participate and making people in the community feel at ease to voice their opinions. This is too critical in times of pandemic. Community participation is the active involvement of people from communities preparing for, or reacting to, disasters. ... Community participation is the basis of successful health promotion as well as Health education and hygiene education. Health education is one important activity that is commonly undertaken to promote health. Whether it is control, prevention or even survival, people’s participation often is desired as it leads to long term solutions, cost effectiveness and proper management of diseases as the community affected is the one suggesting as well as ‘doing’ the control measures. If this is enhanced, the chances of pandemics staying longer with acute effects are relatively lower than they have been before.


Corvid-19 Disease Uganda Community Participation Global

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