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The paper examines the prevalence of sexual violence among higher education in Uganda and it further evaluates the role that stakeholders, especially in academic institutions and policy makers, have to play to mitigate this savagery act. It sets forth the pace in determining the bases at which it should be tackled and provides vital aspects that institutions like Universities in Uganda need to put in place strategies that restore dignity, severity, temperance, and character in the systems and structures of our institutions. The study research question was, which model will apply to education institutions to stop the sexual violence (SV) vice in schools in Uganda. The study used content analysis to design a model to be employed to stop evil. The study concluded by proposing the 7-Cs model to combat sexual violence that is needed in organizations which included, Conscience, Credibility, Coaching, Capability, Commitment, Competence, and Communication at all levels of education from the primary section to university.


Sexual Violence education IUIU Higher Institutions Uganda

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